Saturday, October 5, 2013

Do not look for easy paths, but see your shoes are strong - so that when the track is stony you can get along. Don't go shod for pleasant ways but for the uphill climb - then you'll be prepared for any road at any time.

Today I'm putting into practice what I learnt from other blogs, you tube videos and from a recipe an auntie gave me.
It's making rice wine. This has always intrigued me and I had thought it was very hard to do.
It's in fact very easy to prepare. 
The ingredients needed are:
1 kg glutinous rice, some red rice yeast known as "kiuk" in Hakka language, 2 wine biscuits.
Glassware must be used to ferment the wine.
Method of preparation:
Boil the rice in the rice cooker with a little bit more water than usual.
Remove from the cooker and spread to cool the rice.
Crush the rice yeast and the wine biscuits to a powder.

Wearing plastic gloves take some rice and cover with the powder mixture.
Place this in a bowl and continue until all the rice is used.
The rice is then mixed thoroughly  and the mixture is placed in the glass container.
Make sure not to coat the sides of the container. If they are coated, clean them with tissue paper.
Place a cloth over the container and cover lightly.
Place the container in a cool, dark place.
The next day, you will see the fermentation process has already begun. The container will feel warm.
Using a clean utensil, mix twice a week for 2 weeks. If a white mould is seen, it must be removed carefully.
The rice mixture will begin to sink.
After 2 weeks the residue can be removed using a strainer.
The liquid is then filtered using coffee filters. 
The wine is collected in wine bottles and kept in a cool, dark place.
The residue is collected and placed in the fridge for cooking later. Some salt can be added to preserve it longer.

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